
Alexander First School

Acquire knowledge, prepare for the future, research in action

Who's who

Who's Who



Designated Safeguard Lead 

Family Support Advocate  

Attendance Lead

Miss M. Khokar

Deputy Headteacher

Designated Teacher

Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead 


ERSA Advocate 

Mrs N. Corcoran 
SENDCo Mrs N. Corcoran
Business ManagerMrs H. Cannon
Admin TeamMrs N. Fordham-Trice 
Mrs C. Leighton

Early Years Team

(Nursery and Reception)



Mrs Ines 

Mr E. Panea (EYFS Lead)

Ms C. Allen (Senior Nursery Nurse)

Mrs N. Corcoran 

Mrs A. Martinez

Speech and Language Hub

Ms C. Allen (Senior Nursery Nurse)

Mrs N. King

Mrs S. Henwood

Year 1 Team

Miss H. Mortimore

Mrs T. Lemon

Year 2 Team

Miss L. Hughes

Mrs E. Ching’ani

Year 3 Team

Miss Z. Harper

Mr H. Lord

Year 4 Team

Miss R. Hayward (Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead & KS2 Lead, Mental Health Lead) 

Mrs L. Owen

SEND Teaching AssistantMrs C. Forster
Teaching AssistantMrs E. Jones
Additional Support Staff

Mrs T. Richards 

Music TeacherMrs A. Martinez
School DogBella and Kingsley
Therapeutic Support Team

Mr H. Lord
Mrs S. Henwood (Nurture Practitioner & Service Family Liaison)

Mrs S. Lloyd (Forest School & EYFS SEND Practitioner)

Mrs N. King (1-2-1/Group SEND Support)

Mr M. Furney (Outdoor Learning Practitioner)
Ms Laura (Equine Therapist)

Mrs Anita (Therapeutic Play Practitioner)


Mrs S.Birt

Mrs E. Ching'ani

Nurture Practitioner 

(Nurture U.K. accreditation)

Mrs N. Corcoran

Mrs S. Henwood

Lunch Time Controllers

Mrs N. Djari

Mrs C. Leighton
Mrs S. Birt 
Mrs E. Ching’ani 

Mr H. Lord

Breakfast and After-School Club

Mrs. S Birt

Mrs C. Leighton

Mr H. Lord

Maintenance SupportMr M. Brooking 

