
Alexander First School

Acquire knowledge, prepare for the future, research in action

Lunch Menus

Lunch and Snack Information

Please note that as an “Allergy Aware School” no peanuts, peanut paste, peanut butter (including “dippers”), nuts, “Nutella” spread or nutty muesli bars are permitted within the school.
Grapes must always be cut lengthwise (never width-wise) so they can pass more easily and to avoid potential choking hazard.


Our school meals are provided by Caterlink who offer a wide range of healthy food to get your child through the day.


To see the menu and order meals for your child, please do so online, on  If you haven't already registered for the online ordering system, but would like to sign up, please contact the school office (01753 852894 or who can issue you with a link code to access the system.

