
Alexander First School

Acquire knowledge, prepare for the future, research in action

How we teach at Alexander First School

Our approach to teaching is based on how children learn best, particularly Service children. Teachers use a whole range of teaching strategies to meet the needs of each child and to make sure teaching and learning is highly effective.


The content of lessons is carefully mapped, across each subject, across each year group and across the school,  to ensure the step-by-step build up of skills and knowledge. We make links with what children have learnt before and build in revision and recall of previous learning to make sure it is embedded.


Teaching is engaging to motivate and inspire children. Wherever possible, we base teaching on first hand experience. 


Each child’s progress is carefully tracked using a range of assessments and children who need it are given additional support or further challenge to make sure they are all making strong progress and achieving what they are capable of.


The documents on this page give more information about our approach to teaching and learning at Alexander First School.

