
Alexander First School

Acquire knowledge, prepare for the future, research in action


Why you should choose Alexander First School


Alexander First School is a good school


The official Ofsted report from October 2017 can be found here. Ofsted's new style of report is much shorter and does not include all the feedback from the inspection.  Below, you can find more of what inspectors said about our school.




If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below. 


We are always pleased to welcome prospective parents and their children in to school and the Headteacher will show you what we have to offer and answer your questions. Tours of the school are held regularly, so please contact the school office if you would like to visit.


Windsor and Maidenhead Borough Council Links to school admissions page.


Nursery Admissions:


Children are usually admitted to our Nursery the term after their 3rd birthday. We currently offer 15hrs as well as 30hrs provision with top-up funding where applicable.


Reception to Year 4 Admissions:


All admissions within the Borough, whether they are for a place in September or an in-year transfer, are dealt with by a central admission team at the Town Hall.  They coordinate admissions through a single application process, sharing information and, at the end of the process, send a single letter offering a place to the parent/carer.


The demand for places at Royal Borough schools means that the local authority must operate admissions criteria to ensure the allocation of places is fair, objective and for the benefit of all children.  If your child has a statement of Special Educational Needs or an Educational Health Care Plan, and requests a particular school, they are required to be admitted to that named school.


For all other applicants, the following criteria will be applied.  They are set out in descending order of priority:


1. Children who are looked after (in the care of the local authority).

2. Children whose home address is in the area served by the school.

3. Children who have brothers or sisters still attending the school when the applicant would attend.  This includes a half, step, adopted or fostered child permanently living in the same family unit.  In the case of infant and junior schools, attendance of an elder sibling at either the infant or the junior school qualifies as a sibling for the partner school.  Alwyn Infant School is linked in this way to Courthouse.

4. Children who attend an infant school that is formally linked with the junior school.  Alwyn Infant School is linked in this way to Courthouse.

5. Children whose parents have any other reasons for their choice.


Chronic health condition


We admit children with chronic health conditions ranging from severe allergies, asthma and epilepsy to more life threatening problems.  Once a place has been offered, please make contact with the school as early as possible if your child has any long term health condition so that an appropriate care plan can be put in place.  Please be aware that their starting date at school may be delayed if we are not given enough time to put the care plan in place.


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities


We treat and teach every child equally.  In the case of a child with a SEN or disability such as a visual or hearing impairment, ASD or ADHD, it is essential that the Headteacher is informed as soon as possible in order that any arrangements needed to provide appropriate support can be in place upon school entry.  This support may range from a class teacher receiving advice from an expert in the field, to substantial one to one help in the classroom.


Contact the school office to arrange to meet the Headteacher and the SENDCo who will happily discuss how Alexander First School can meet your child's needs.
