
Alexander First School

Acquire knowledge, prepare for the future, research in action

Home Learning Plan

Alexander First School

Home Learning Plan

In order to ensure that learning is continued, irrespective of lockdown and self-isolation, Alexander First School have developed the following plan. This plan offers remote learning opportunities whilst also acknowledging that some households have limited access to devices and would require hard-copies of work and resources.

The plan complies with the expectations and principles outlined in the DFE document Guidance for Full Opening of Schools and the research carried out by the Education Endowment Fund into effective and high quality distance learning. This research found that schools should consider:

  • The quality of teaching including being able to offer effective feedback
  • Offering access to technology for all pupils and ongoing support and guidance on using different platforms
  • How giving opportunities for peer interactions can improve learning outcomes
  • The need for pupils to work independently and to reflect on their learning
  • That different approaches suit different contexts and groups of pupils.

It also draws on the comments and feedback from parents and carers at Alexander First School, following the first lockdown in March 2020. The aim of our remote learning plan is to ensure that all children have access to a high-quality education and are not disadvantaged in their learning due to a full or partial school closure. Teachers will use their medium-term plans to ensure a broad and balanced curriculum is provided and will provide feedback using the guidance in our updated Feedback Policy.


Software and Online Platforms

Within all plans, teachers will set appropriate work in-line with our current curriculum (following scheduled topics and material), supplemented with additional resources such as Times Tables Rock Stars, Sumdog, Oak Academy videos and White Rose Maths. Live lessons (for Years 1 to Year 4) will provide an introduction to lessons and ensure pupils are supported in undertaking tasks. Additionally, children will be able to see and communicate with their peers, ensuring continued social interaction and the sharing of successes.

White Rose Maths resources will be used as they are matched to our current maths curriculum model and children are very used to seeing these resources. Sumdog, Purple Mash and TT Rock Stars will all be utilised to support the acquisition and retention of basic core skills.

Class Dojo will remain in use, as this communication element has already proved to be invaluable and many families have used this successfully in the past. Teachers and parents will be able to message one another to share information and offer support. School can always be contacted via email or by telephone (9am-4pm); the office remains operational.  


Parents must understand that engagement in home learning is compulsory, as is the expectation that we make that provision available and accessible to all. However, if children themselves are too ill to participate in the lesson, then they would not be expected to engage in the home learning for that day and we would ask parents to inform us of their absence in the same way they would if the child was expected to be in school. Pupil’s engagement in remote learning will be monitored daily and any concerns from either school or parents/carers will be raised quickly via a phone call.

In preparation for home-learning, parents and children need to know and be able to use logins and passwords for the following platforms. These can be resent via email should you need them again.

  • Class Dojo
  • Purple Mash
  • Sumdog
  • TT Rock Stars


What should my child expect from immediate remote education in the first day or two of pupils being sent home?

Children will be provided with weekly learning packs (arrangements for collection to follow) which will include resources and materials (whiteboards, sheets, their pencil cases etc.) needed to support home learning. Children will then have immediate opportunity to continue their learning.

The work packs will include work that is needed for that week. These are then returned the following week where a new pack and resources will be made available. These packs mean that children can begin remote learning from Day 1 and have access to activities that can be done independently during the period of absence from school; they are not meant to be used instead of the live lessons offered by the class teacher (Year 1 to Year 4).

We appreciate and understand that many families will have significant barriers to access online learning through lack of suitable devices, time pressures or intermittent internet access. Wherever possible, we will support families to be able to work online to ensure that regular and effective feedback is given to pupils at home to enable their learning to move forward during the time they are not at school.

In the event of a bubble closing or national lockdown, we hope to be able to order a small number of laptops from the Department for Education which we will be able to loan out to families. We will contact you in the event of being able to offer this.  


Remote Learning

The initial response to any isolation will be to provide children with a pack of home learning materials. This measure will afford teachers a short time to prepare their live learning resources and to upload resources onto Dojo. It is expected that remote learning resources will be ready for families to access on the second day of any absence. The following provision will be put in place but we would ask families to be mindful that teaching staff may also be in school teaching children who are not self-isolating for most of the school day.

As a school we appreciate that our younger pupils may need extra support to access remote learning; we will ensure that the activities planned reflect the ages and learning needs of the children and will also regularly speak to parents either on the phone, via Zoom or by Class Dojo.


The remote learning plan during the current lockdown.

Ongoing Support


Teachers will schedule live Zoom lessons with the children (taking into consideration siblings and the use of shared devices). In the initial meeting the teacher will discuss the remote learning arrangements and expectations. Teachers will also share a timetable of learning for the weeks ahead on Dojo. This will include core lessons and non-core activities. LSA staff will be part of the live lesson sessions to ensure planned provisions can be continued, especially for pupils with IEPs (Individual Education Plans).


Using Zoom, the class teacher will live teach maths and English sessions with an introduction to learning and setting out the task ahead. Teachers will then upload pre-recorded lessons and activities for other subjects to be undertaken later in the day. We hope this allows parents to see the learning materials prior to supporting their child/ren and provides flexibility in finding time to support.


The class teacher will share links to any appropriate resources or videos such as those from White Rose Maths or Oak National lessons through Dojo.


Completed tasks can then be uploaded to Dojo (via photo) for instant feedback whilst completed learning packs (returned at the end of each week whilst collecting new packs) are marked and kept as part of the children’s on-going learning evidence to support teacher assessments. Teachers will provide individual feedback weekly via Dojo.    


Intervention sessions such as ELSA will continue to be delivered via Zoom with sessions timetabled between pupils and practitioners. Additionally, our Sports Therapy team, Kickstart, will provide weekly live Zoom sessions focused on getting pupils moving and remaining connected to one another.

If any children are entitled to benefit-related FSM we will ensure food is made available through the Edenred voucher system.


If any child is vulnerable in any way, we will ensure that appropriate agencies are notified and will arrange for regular ‘safe and well checks’ from school.

Those who are struggling to engage with home learning will receive a phone call from a member of SLT to discuss the obstacles and the support needed by the family.


Where children would normally receive additional support from SEND agencies, the SENDCO will make arrangements for those to continue via Zoom as long as the agencies engage.

For broader curriculum lessons (history, RE, geography etc.), pre-recorded videos and resources will be uploaded to Dojo and where possible, web-links to appropriate support materials will be shared. Teachers will schedule an afternoon Zoom meeting to identify those children needing additional input and to celebrate and motivate the pupils. Time will also be scheduled for the children to receive their weekly Star of the Week award. This will encourage children to keep working, celebrate successes and promote togetherness.


Completed work should be uploaded to Dojo (if online resources used) and paper-based work returned weekly. Teachers can then review the work completed and ensure that the following day’s lesson addresses misconceptions etc. Feedback and queries can take place throughout the day using either Zoom or Dojo, depending on the teacher’s and family preference.


Those children who need additional support following feedback will be directed to further resources on Dojo, or have a separate meeting in smaller groups on Zoom.


In the event of teachers becoming ill, support staff will be supported by SLT to cover the Zoom sessions, with resources being identified and uploaded by other teaching staff and SLT.

Additional resources may be supplied by the school either physically or virtually to support learning.


Pupils who receive extra support from staff in school will have additional support offered via Zoom, Dojo and phone calls.


Reception and Nursery Pupils (EYFS)

As you will know, unlike the National Curriculum (Years 1 to 4), the EYFS curriculum is not designed for formalised teaching (e.g. children sitting for long periods of time listening to the teacher). Rather, it is an exploratory and play-based approach to acquiring knowledge and understanding. That being said, we recognise the challenges you face at home in supporting learning in this way. Consequently, home learning provisions for EYFS pupils are as follows:


Weekly Text

Each week the class teacher will share a text of the week which will provide the basis for pupils’ learning. Accompanying this will be an activity bingo sheet providing a variety of suggested activities to be undertaken. The children’s weekly pack will include the activities sheet as well as any resources needed, such as number cards etc.


Activities will cover all 7 areas of the Early Years curriculum. Parents and pupils can choose how many tasks and when to undertake these. Each week a new text will be selected along with new accompanying tasks, so that no two weeks will be the same; this will offer variety and maintain interest for pupils. Completed or attempted activities will be submitted to the teacher via Dojo for continued feedback and celebration.


Daily Phonics Video

The Reception class teacher will prepare and post a consolidated daily phonics video to recap sounds and blends. Parents and carers are asked to record their child saying the sounds so the class teacher can advise and correct where necessary. For children who are confident in completing this, there will also be an additional challenge task.


Modelled Letter Formation Video

To support children’s phonics knowledge and writing, teachers will also provide a brief handwriting video modelling how to correctly form letters. We ask that the children then practise these with the mnemonic (the saying which helps to remember how to correctly perform the letters- such as “around her face, down her hair and give her a curl”). 


Daily Number Video

Teachers will identify a maths related video for the day from a bank of resources such as The Oak Academy video resources.


Zoom Catch-up

The teachers will hold an informal bi-weekly coffee and catch-up via Zoom to provide the opportunity to informally chat and answer any questions parents and carers may have regarding home learning. The Zoom link will be posted to Class Dojo shortly.


We recognise that for many families home learning needs to fit around a variety of activities such as working from home, caring for younger children as well as supporting older siblings. Home learning should not add to an already stressful situation for parents/carers or the children. We support efforts and attempts to engage in learning and hope families feel no pressure in expectations.

At-a-glance Home Learning at AFS

Remote Learning Year Group Timetables

AFS Home Learning Plan

Whole School Wider Curriculum Timetables

Sports Therapy Continued Intervention During the National Lockdown

Zoom Risk Assessment
