Acquire knowledge, prepare for the future, research in action
The Governing Body plays an important part in the strategic leadership of the school, working with and supporting the Headteacher and staff.
Governors monitor how well the school is doing in terms of the children’s attainment and progress; teaching and learning; behaviour; welfare and health and safety. They also monitor the school’s finances ensuring value for money and the leadership and management of the school.
The Governing Body is made up of a cross-section of the local community and includes parent representatives of children at the school. Alexander First School is a vital part of the Service (Army) and local community and the Governing Body plays an important role in ensuring the school continues to build on the success that the Headteacher and staff have worked so hard to achieve. Some of the duties include:
The Full Governing Body meets three times a year. Additionally Governors are members of sub-committees which all meet termly. Please see below for the structure of our Governing Body.
Structure of our Governing Body:
Name | Position | Specific Responsibility | Date of Appointment | Name of Appointing Body | Term of Office | Due Date for Stepping Down | Relevant Business or Pecuniary Interests | Voting Rights | Attendance Record 2022-2023 |
Mr Richard Stringfellow | Parent Governor | Music PE | 16.11.2022 | Parents/FBG | 4 years | 15.11.2026 | None | Yes | 3 out of 3 FGB meetings |
VACANT | Parent Governor |
| Parents/FGB | 4 years |
| Yes |
Joanne McWhinney-Tripp | Local Authority (LA) Governor | N/A | 14.03.2024 | Local Authority (LA) | 4 Years | 13.03.2028 | None | Yes | N/A |
Miss Haidee Mortimore | Staff Governor | Data Protection | 23.05.2014 | Staff/FGB | 4 years | 20.05.2026 | None | Yes | 3 out of 3 FGB meetings |
Miss Mariam Khokar | Headteacher Governor | Reading (incl phonics) Writing PSHE Breakfast Club School Meals | 01.09.2018 | FGB | N/A | N/A | Governor at Cove Infants School | Yes | 3 out of 3 FGB meetings 2 out of 2 Finance |
Dr Gwen Ineson (Chair) | Co-Opted/ Community | Mathematics PSHE | 14.03.2024 | FGB | 4 years | 13.03.2028 | Governor at Brunel University | Yes | 3 out of 3 FGB meetings 2 out of 2 Finance |
Mrs Sandy Lewin (Vice Chair) | Co-Opted/ Community | Reading (incl phonics) Writing History Geography Art & DT EYFS School Council SEND | 10.05.2017 | FGB | 4 years | 08.05.2025 | None | Yes | 1 out of 3 FGB meetings |
Mrs Naomi Corcoran | Co-Opted/ Community |
| 14.03.2024 | FGB | 4 years | 13.03.2028 | None | Yes | 3 out of 3 FGB meetings |
VACANT | Co-Opted/ Community |
| FGB | 4 years |
| Yes |
Mrs Doone Pellew | Associate Member | Science and STEM | 30.03.2023 | FGB | 2 years | 29.03.2025 | None | No | 2 out of 2 FGB meetings |
Padre David Brownridge | Associate Member | RE | 23.11.2023 | FGB | 2 years | 22.11.2025 | None | No | N/A |
Mr Clive Haines | Associate Member | PE Pupil Premium & Service Pupil Premium SEND Single Central Record | 14.03.2024 | FGB | 2 years | 13.03.2026 | Deputy Director of Education & responsible for approval of deficit budgets | No | 1 out of 3 FGB meetings
Former Governors (past 12 months):
Name | Position | Specific Responsibility | Date of Appointment | Name of Appointing Body | Term of Office | Date of Stepping Down | Relevant Business or Pecuniary Interests | Voting Rights | Attendance Record 2022-2023 |
Mr Chris Monk (Chair) | Co-Opted/ Community | MFL Computing Outdoor Learning/Forest School Safeguarding & Child Protection Pupil Premium & Service Pupil Premium Data & Data for SATS Health & Safety | 22.04.2021 | FGB | 4 years | 14.03.2024 | Byland Solutions Ltd - Self Employed Business Consulting | Yes | 3 out of 3 FGB meetings 2 out of 2 Finance |
Mr Clive Haines | Local Authority (LA) Governor | PE Pupil Premium & Service Pupil Premium SEND Single Central Record | 05.03.2020 | Local Authority (LA) | 4 Years | 14.03.2024 | Deputy Director of Education & responsible for approval of deficit budgets | Yes | 1 out of 3 FGB meetings
Mr John Livesey | Associate Member | N/A | 15.09.2021 | FGB | 2 years | 12.03.2024 | None | No | 0 out of 3 FGB meetings |
Miss Narda Burton | Parent Governor | N/A | 17.11.2021 | Parents/FGB | 4 years | 28.02.2024 | None | Yes | 1 out of 3 FGB meetings |
Padre Martin Robbins | Associate Member | N/A | 30.03.2023 | FGB | 2 years | 18.11.2023 | None | No | 0 out of 2 FGB meetings |
The Revd Robbie Robinson | Associate Member | RE | 22.04.2021 | FGB | 2 years | 16.09.2022 | None | No | 2 out of 2 FGB meetings 2021-2022 |
Mr David Marsham | Associate Member | N/A | 10.11.2020 | FGB | 2 years | 09.09.2022 | None | No | 1 out of 2 FGB meetings 2021-2022 |
Sub-Committee Members:
Finance, Personnel and Premises (including H&S) |
Chris Monk (Chair) |
Gwen Ineson |
Mariam Khokar (Headteacher) |
Helen Cannon (School Business Manager) |
Discipline / Capability / Grievance / Pupil Disciplinary / Pay (appeals):
Each Committee consists of three Governors; staff Governors may not sit on Appeals Committees.
Governor representation on Appeals Committees will be drawn from three of the remaining Governors not participating in the first Committee.
Any three non-staff Governors who have no prior knowledge of the complaint.